Sunday, September 21, 2014

Evergreen Content - Zombie Content that Never Dies

"SEO Marketers never truly die. Their souls live forever through keywords in the crappy articles they have written on the internet." - Ancient SEO Proverb

Evergreen content is content that is always relevant. If I'm googling how to change the oil in my car or how to paint a living room, there's no expiration date on the quality of the article. The content those people wrote will live on forever like a zombie increasing traffic to their site and their SEO ranking and slowly eating your brain through eternity.

When I was young I had an odd fascination with Mont Blanc pens. I don't know, maybe it was the fact that it was something so ostentatious that it had no other point than to be extravagant. My dad gave me my first pen and I was so excited. but it turned out to be a fake.

I was inspired to never have this happen again that I spent a good amount of time researching and compiling tips and information on how to spot a fake and wrote an article about it on Ebay in 2008.

Even though my fascination with Mont Blanc has died, to this day I still get emails from people with pictures of their pens asking me to help them identify if it's a fake. If you Google "How to spot a fake Mont Blanc pen" my article is the first one that pops up.

This article actually gave me huge credibility on Ebay and helped draw people to my listings at the time and still does.

Everyone always says you need to write fresh articles and that the content has to be trending for it to get any traffic. While this is true, don't neglect evergreen content. Think about questions your customers will always be asking for years to come and answer them fully in well written articles.

Sit and think about what questions you would ask yourself about your business and actually Google those questions. Spend some time reading the top articles about your questions and then write about it in your own words using your experiences and expertise. Throw in a couple pictures and you've got yourself some great evergreen content.

Sly Strategy:

STEP 1: Try to write a few evergreen articles and add them to your website by first asking yourself a few simple questions:
a) "What are the most common recurring questions about my business, product, or industry do my customers have?"

b) "What information can I provide my readers that will make them smarter and build their loyalty and trust?"

c) "How can I help my readers with my expertise and how will my article benefit them?"
STEP 2: Once you have your topic you need to Google it and find out what other successful articles have to say about it.

STEP 3: Read through the top articles and pick out some key points you wan to highlight in your content.

STEP 4: Write your article and make it personal. Add some anecdotes to give your content personality.

STEP 5: Add either a funny picture if you can get away with it or an interesting picture. This will help the reader remember your article and break up long wordy content.

STEP 6: Make sure the title is address the question but also piques the interest of the reader.

If you've done these steps you will have some great evergreen content that people will be googling for many years.